Friday 12 December 2008

CD Covers (Final)

What Is It?

This is the CD front and back covers for the band 'Stink Hole'.

Target Audience

The target audience would be heavy metal fans. The band play heavy metal music so the album covers use colour schemes and images that associate with heavy metal.


The album front cover includes images of the band members. Each band member has a different effect on. The photos were taken while the band were preforming. In the picture both the bassist and the vocalist are headbanging while the guitarist is soloing. The background colour fades from black to a dark red. These colours are typical metal colours. The text is in a light grey which stand out against the black background. The font is meant to be a 'rough typewriter' which has a sort of 'rough' effect.

The back cover background has an image of the band practicing. The image is in 'grey style' and has a 'brush' effect. The track listings are in red standing out from the grey. The bands name, 'Stink Hole' is written in the same font as the band name on the front cover.

These album covers are similar to mine.


The size of the CD front cover is 120 by 120mm. The back cover size is 118 x 156 mm.

Client Feedback

The Client said that the original colours needed changing and that I should use different effects for the band members on the front cover.


To do the effects on the pictures I used Adobe Photoshop and to put it together I used Adobe Illustrator.

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