Friday 12 December 2008

Gig Posters (Final)

What is it?

These are the two gig posters I have made for the band 'STINK HOLE'

Fitness for Purpose
These posters attract the attention of the viewer. On both of the posters the main images are guitars which immediately tell the reader thy are something to do with music. Both posters have large clear writing giving the bands name and details of their performance.
Target Audience

The target audience for these posters are fans and potential fans of the metal / heavy rock group 'Stink Hole'. Both posters have guitars on which relate to rock / metal fans. The second poster (and band member's pictures on the first) is in black and white. This is because the target audiences choice of colour is normally black (eg. black clothes).


The first poster has a guitar in colour with the green background. There are black and white images of the band members in the guitars scratch plate. The text are all different shapes and sizes including some in bold type. The black text stands out well from the green background.
The other poster is all black and white. A lot of metal bands usually associate with the colour black. The text and images are outlined. Again the images of the band are in black and white.
These are two of the posters that influenced my posters. Again one poster uses the black and white influence and the other has good imagery of guitars.

The posters will be the standard poster size of 27" x 41" and printed on high quality poster paper.

Client Feedback

The band wanted a range of poster ideas, and these were the best two. Instead of choosing one we decided to use both. The colours and photos have been changed from the original ideas. The pictures have had the effects on them changed as well, now they are just black and white.


To do the photo editing etc I used Adobe Photoshop and then added text, edited and put it all together in Illustrator.

1 comment:

Cioara Andrei said...

Foarte interesant ce ai postat.M-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place ce am vazut chiar e frumos si interesant.Felicitari si sigur am sa mai revin!