Friday 12 December 2008

Magazine Front Cover (Final)

What Is It?
This is the front cover of a music magazine. The magazine is about different types of music, it talks about the bands as well as doing single and performance reviews.

Target Audience
The target audience for people interested in music. The front of the magazine features rock band 'Feeder' and heavy metal band 'Stink Hole' so the target audience should like that sort of music. The magazine would be in the same market as magazines such as Kerrang, and NME.


The text on the front cover is in white and yellow. The title is written in bold and white. The 'music' is at an angle and 'Mag' is horizontal and under 'music'. The magazine has a red guitar on the black background, this stands out and attracts the potential readers attention. The guitar is positioned across the page at an angle. The other images used are of the bands. These are 'action shots' of the bands. 'Stink Hole' are in a practise room 'jamming'. These photos include the band preforming, headbanging and soloing. The pictures are down the left hand side of the front cover and have the yellow text in between each picture. The text is written in yellow and are at different angles. The pictures also fade in to black around the edges.
The pictures of 'Feeder' are at a live gig I went to see. The pictures of them preforming live include the lighting effects and the instruments. The pictures of 'Feeder' go down the right hand side of the front cover and decrease in size.


This magazine cover has the size of 299mm by 224mm. It will be printed on good quality magazine paper.

Client Feedback

The client asked to use a different layout to my original idea. I also changed the colour schemes
and used some different images of the bands.


To make the magazine cover I used Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I used photoshop to edit the pictures. I then used Illustrator edit the guitar and add text and then put them all together.

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